To Be Or Not To Be
To be certain about any point....
Living in hole
or got shout,
Don't know what is my destiny..
Finding the future
with all fantasy.
The dos or don'ts
we confront
haunted by own guiltless and hunts
you making me!!
Oh! stop... You mockin' me!
who the hell you are?
Are you God!! Or destiny -star?
I am, What I am.
And I know What I am.
I was with you in "To be or not to be"
Now, go on your way and set me free.
'Couse I have the right to see my dreams...
I wanna throw your haunts and fill up my my zeals.
I hadn't seen the world that I've seen (with you)
I didn't know anything,
Cause I wanna know EVERYTHING.
-------Avinash Kumar